Experiential Marketing
& Communications Plan



The Problem:
Traditional crafting (painting, drawing, scrapbooking, etc…) has been on a steady decline over the past decade with the rise of creative technologies such as gaming apps and social media. Currently two out of five people who don’t craft say it’s because they have neither the time nor the ability. Other top reasons include,”I’m not creative enough” or “I don’t have any crafting skills”.

For those that do craft, when it comes to finding inspiration traditionally Millennials have turned to Pinterest while Instagram is the more likely source for “iGen”. Among teen youth (ages 13-17) YouTube carries the most weight, followed by Instagram. This is important for Crayola when considering their social implementations as 60% of kids ages 6-17 state that the internet helps them make decisions. Additionally, when considering demographics for the Crayola brand, among all crafters, Hispanic families index higher for traditional crafting and young girls are more likely to embark on creative pursuits.

While Crayola has made efforts to stay relevant through the creation of online drawing apps and the Crayola Experience (70,000 feet of attractions that bring the magic of Crayola to life), not every child and their family knows about it or has the ability or funds to experience it… So, we decided to bring it to the people.

The Solution:
Crayola needs to harness the power and accessibility of social media to create a campaign to inform kids and their parents about these offerings and continue to inspire creativity on a wider scale.

Color Across America: a two-month long, interactive, nationwide tour with the goal to inspire creativity in America’s youth.

The Crayola CAA Tour features a comic-type story that kids can follow along with while the original eight Crayola crayon colors travel across the country, making stops at schools, community centers, and children’s hospitals along the way bringing creativity and “color” back to the country. At each stop, Crayola will showcase the power of creativity through interactive activities, crafts, and games for kids and parents.

People will be able to follow along through the journey and see tour stops in real-time at coloracrossamerica.com, Crayola’s official social media channels, the hashtag #coloracrossamerica, and each character’s own hashtag (i.e. #teamScarlet).

The CAA Tour will culminate on March 31, National Crayon Day, with a giant celebration for people of all ages, live from NYC. The National Crayon Day celebration will include live music, Crayola Experience experiences, games, activities, and galleries of fan submissions from throughout the tour. Winners for the best submissions will be announced by the Crayola CEO, and one lucky grand-prize winner will walk away with a lifetime supply of Crayola goods. 

Crayola is the worldwide leader in children’s expression products.

Children 3-12 year of age and their parents.

Refresh the Crayola brand by making the Crayola Experience a nationwide attraction.

Inspire the creativity and originality in every child.

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