During the pandemic, I found solace in candle making. As a pet owner in a small apartment, I relied on candles for a comforting atmosphere and to keep my space smelling fresh. However, constantly buying candles became expensive, so I decided to start making my own to cut costs.
What began as a personal project quickly blossomed into a passion. I started gifting my handmade candles to friends and family, and their positive feedback encouraged me to pursue this hobby further. After perfecting three unique scents, I created a brand—ZAVISMELLS.
Since then, I've crafted over a thousand candles and successfully placed them in stores all over Richmond. This journey has been incredibly fulfilling, teaching me valuable skills in starting up a small business, print and photo production, and branding.
I'm excited to continue creating captivating scents and producing engaging content to share ZAVISMELLS with even more people. Learn more at zavismells.com