Music Event Production
In 2019, after successfully booking tours for my bands Spooky Cool and Majjin Boo, I was hired as the booker for a local Richmond, VA venue. There, I produced and promoted numerous high-quality indie rock events under the banner of PRSMCAT PRESENTS. Since then, I’ve curated approximately 90-100 shows and earned a reputation as one of the top show bookers in the city. In my first year, my independent production company was voted among the top three live show series in Richmond, only trailing behind city-backed programming.
After a hiatus during the pandemic, I relaunched events with a sponsorship from Jack Daniels. I also partnered with Baripete Productions, another local booking group, to co-produce our first large-scale festival, DAYDREAM FEST. This festival featured top talent from across the state, including Butcher Brown with special guest Charlie Hunter, and J. Roddy Walston’s band, Palm Palm. The festival was a resounding success, selling over 1,000 tickets and being voted the top music festival in Richmond, VA for 2022 by Style Weekly Magazine. This past year, the event was even attended by Anderson Paak!