
The Problem:
Title Nine is a relatively obscure brand based out of Berkeley, CA that specializes in women’s athletic wear. The company was founded in 1989 by a woman named Missy Park who played college basketball and was disillusioned by the lack of sporting apparel available for women. Missy in turn created the very first athletic wear company for women that was completely female owned and designed. Although Title Nine was the first in its field, they were quickly overshadowed by Nike’s  “If You Let Me Play” campaign in 1995 that targeted female athletes and positioned Nike as the go-to brand for women’s athletic wear.

Title Nine celebrates their 30th anniversary next year, and although they are pioneers in their field, they remain largely unknown to the general public. Our goal is to capture the opportunity that the current women’s empowerment movement presents to highlight Title Nine as the FIRST and most authentically pro-female player in women’s athletic wear.

Currently, Title IX (the legislation) is largely used to address sexual harassment on college campuses, but was originally intended to create more opportunities for female athletes like Missy (founder) to play at a collegiate level. Many people aren’t aware of this. That’s a problem for an athletic wear brand named Title Nine.

The Insight:
After interviewing many women at all levels of athleticism, from casual joggers to a former player for UC Berkeley soccer, we gained the insight that Title IX’s origin in sports is largely ignored or misunderstood, and that women all across the board still feel powerless against contemporary gender inequalities in athletics.

What We Are Protecting:
A seat at the table.

Our Enemy:
”It is what it is.”

The Objective:
Through education, rally an army to fight against complacency.

The Strategy:
Complacency is dead.

Bonni Dinerstein (Strategy), Christopher Suarez (Strategy)

Man on the street interviews about Title IX legislation

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